Monday, January 19, 2009

- HER -

she is da one i care always...


Sunday, January 18, 2009

AFTER LIFE ( school LIfe )

yo ~! everbody...wassUp... haha.. New Year is getting closer n closer day by day...haiz..

UsuallY new year , i jst cant hide my happy feeling ....hmmm...

I think after tis new year ... I think all of SCHOOL GENGIEZ will start separate ...

Btw... i hope after tis .... we'll keep in contact .....I admit that sum of da FRIENz is fake...


---> LIke when they need our help...They wiLL jSt cum to us ... OR nt , when gt sum kinds of activities like gathering or wat....LOL.. JST 4get da invitation frm THEM...

nw i m working at LAGIMURA....

My position at here can be describe as SUB ... haiH~ when Giant nt enough people , TAuke Neow will send me ova there.. Or nt , i will jst stayed at LAGIMURA like a living corpse.. ArGH~!! i feeL so EMPTY... Luckily every time i came to giant , i gt sum xTra income...hahaXD... i guess sum Of my frieNds Noe it ~!! XD....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I M neWbIe


i m new in bloggiNg... So U all must heLp me..!!


hmmm...WeLL rIte nw 18/01/09 , alMosT 1am MorNIng.. i guess everyBody is BusY DreAming~....NTh sPEciAl....Bt PAS jst WOn da Election...BN jst get PAWNED...WTF?

MeAns....IslAMIc Power STARTs nw....... I gUess .. da STREET CLOWN :X Ops...too NIce Hear dy..I MEANS THEMATReMPIT , DOmINate all da city road Rite nw... OMG !!... MAyb itZ a cReatIve WAy to SAY '' WELCUM TO TERENGGANU '' .......... BesIDes ThosE street BIKERz , hmm... i think nw da road is full wif POLIce WitH their DISCO blue LIGHT too~ ! YEAh... N most of those streeT biKErZ is PAS arMY... so PAS wiN da ELECTIOn = the NUmber of crIme will incREsing too ~ wHY?? LOlz... simple sOLUTION --------> STREET BIKERZ = FOUnder



PAS = crIME !!

It is a big mistake !! PAS caNt rIse Up da LEVEL OF TERENNGANU.... Wat a shame 4 those who suppORT PAS...